
New Zealand is home to internationally prestigious, research-led universities, many of which are ranked among the best in the world. Universities undertake pioneering research in many fields, and their discoveries and academics are in demand by organizations ranging from NATO to NASA. Research excellence is key to ensuring quality undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities, as discoveries and knowledge filter down to inform all levels of university

The New Zealand education system is based on the British model and a New Zealand university qualification is recognized all over the world as being the direct equivalent of a qualification from a UK university. The strong similarities and recognition between the university systems in the UK and New Zealand is not just reassuring; it is key if you are hoping to study a professional degree – such as veterinary sciencenursingengineeringmedicine, or social work overseas. Read the Life After University section for plenty of career success stories from our New Zealand university graduates.

The strength of New Zealand universities is confirmed by their standing in international university rankings.

On a New Zealand student visa you can work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours/week if your full-time course

Construction, Engineering and Finance/business are the most popular sectors for International students

The gap after the period of study should not be more than 12 months (a year).



A Post-study work visa lasts for 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the level of your qualification and where you studied. From the end of November 2018, it replaces 2 previous visas:

  • Post Study Work Visa (open)
  • Post Study Work Visa (employer-assisted).

Frequently Asked Questions

If someone plans to stay in New Zealand for a longer term, one must apply for a skilled migrant visa to stay and work indefinitely.

One needs to show the evidence of: –

  1. Academic Performance
  2. Attended enough classes
  3. Progress a student made
  1. Enrolled with a program which is of at least 2 years
  2. Gaining qualification which leads to gaining points under skilled migrant category